Jason David

Jason David


I'm a Kabbalah Numerology Expert


The science of Kabbalah is a discovery of ancient Jews.
It is a way to gain knowledge of the universe and God.

It is a way of thinking. Kabbalah is the base, the foundation of all relationships, secret and otherwise, between the Supreme Power, in other words God, and the universe. Though it is strongly linked to Judaism, Kabbalah cannot be considered a religion or the branch of any religion. It also offers a way to gain knowledge about the Supreme Power. In other words, Kabbalah was a means used by some Jews and others to gain knowledge of the self.

ABOUT Kabbalah

The secret of Kabbalah

There are a lot of definitions and explanations for Kabbalah. Kabbalah can be divided into many departments . One of them is Kabbalah Numerology or Symbolised Numerology. Kabbalah Numerology was once used by the Jews to predict the future. But in India, where astro-numerology is largely in vogue, Kabbalah Numerology is not yet popular.






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The science of Kabbalah is a discovery of ancient Jews
It is a way to gain knowledge of the universe and God .

The secret of Kabbalah

Kabbalah Numerology or Symbolised Numerology is a science that explains almost everything through symbols. According to the science of Kabbalah Numerology, every person’s life is controlled/governed by symbols. This can be in two ways. 1) Every person has a life number derived from his date of birth. In turn, this life number has a symbol. 2) All names have a life number which also has a symbol. According to Kabbalah, these symbols oversee each person’s life. And it these symbols that creates a person’s destiny.

My father my guru.

The person who inspired me to study and practice this science was my father, David Vatsalan, an official in the Kerala Education Department. He was also my guru..

The Kabbalah method of prediction

All predictions of a person’s future are made taking into consideration his date of birth (day, month and year of birth) and commonly used name. According to the science of Kabbalah Numerology, every person’s name has a life number and symbol. This symbol determines whether the name is lucky or unlucky.


Do you have questions?

  • What is numerology based on?

    Although the practice of using numbers to understand the world has ancient roots, contemporary numerology comes from a system derived from Pythagoras, a philosopher and mathematician in ancient Greece. Pythagoras based numerology on the belief in the energy of the digits that make up the universe.

  • Who created numerology?

    Most numerologists credit Pythagoras with founding the field of numerology. Pythagoras was a philosopher who was born in Greece around 569 B.C. Historians don't know much about Pythagoras, since little of his original work survives and most of the people who wrote about him did so hundreds of years after his death.

  • What is difference between astrology and numerology?

    Astrology and numerology are different in nature, however, both of them are interconnected. Astrology is the study of stars and planets in the sky and their connection with life on earth while numerology is the study of numbers and how the vibrations of the numbers are connected to life.

  • what is the background of Kabbalahh numerology?

    Kabbalah system was widely used in Hebrew spiritual sciences, and it mostly consists of Hebrew alphabet. ′Kabbalah′ means ′the intellectual work′, rather than the practical or body experience. Kabbalah system implies people to be really honest in order to get the insight. Different numerological systems work with different information about the person. In case of Kabbalah system you will need only the name of the person.

  • 5.what makes the Kabbalahh metheod different?

    To the outsider, the different types of numerology may not seem very different. After all, each uses numbers to find something out about a person.However, there are key differences. kabbalahh numerology analyze one's name and date of birth.Its have a life number. This life number is associated with particular type of symbol.All the predication are basis of this symbols.In numerology all predictions are made in the basis of planets and stars.


Let’s get in touch.

Rojas,Viruppil,Moozhikkal,Chelavoor (po),Calicut,Kerala Pin - 673571

Mobile : 98463 99173

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